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  • Writer's picturenina

"The world is your oyster"

When I grow up I want to be...

What would you answer? Yeah, I'm not sure yet either. What I do know, is that I love helping people, I love children, I love trying to figure things out and I love working everyday. With all those in mind, there are a few great professions that I could obtain.

First, teaching...which I have been doing for almost 10 years.

Second, leadership positions...which I have a Master's in already and have been actively searching for this type of position. However, with doing so, I have come to terms with a few things which include "is this really what I want to do?" "will I have enough time for the things I love if I'm doing this job too?" "it seems like a lot of pressure." Reflecting on these things has made me grow and change to become who I am today. Not bad, just different.

THIRD, social worker or health care worker. How about BOTH? I have decided that becoming a licensed social worker with a Master's is what I want to :)

I am going back to school...AGAIN...and taking my time. I'm not in a hurry as I love my job, but I know having this degree and taking these classes will only enhance my knowledge in the classroom, too.

I am excited, scared, worried, anxious, exhausted already and hopeful that this path I am choosing will help me to help you. I love giving, helping, listening, giving advice, advocating for what's right, and learning. I'm up for this challenge and am ready to jump in.

Wish me luck <3

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