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  • Writer's picturenina

ME time...

Why is being alone something sought after as a parent? Well...when are you actually ALONE after you have children, unless you have your children part of the time? The answer really is, you aren't, unless someone babysits your children/child while you take some time...which is (let's be honest) incredibly important.

So, let's get this straight, you need to spend time with...your friends (couples if you are dating/married to someone) AND alone time with friends (the girls only and then the guys only), family/ies, your significant other, your children and maybe your other blended family children :) and of course, YOURSELF.....

How do you balance that? Seriously. How? I have no clue, but when I am alone (RARELY) it's awesome and it's those times that I "should" be catching up with friends on the phone, finishing projects at home, doing laundry and dishes, researching things on the computer that I normally don't have time to do..the list goes on my friends. BUT I don't want to (insert whiny voice here).

Taking time to reflect for yourself is important as selfish as that sounds. Please do it.

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