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I'm still here...are you? I hope so!

Updated: Mar 26, 2022

Where does the time go? Updating my website/writing my blog has been on my list for over a year. So why has it taken me this long to update it? Well, one- Covid. Can't we all blame our lack of "something" on that virus? I will use it to my advantage today. Two, job. When I arrive home from work, the last place I want to be is in front of a computer. Three, life. Life is busy. Priorities change, and yet, as I sit here to reflect on the last draft blog post, stay the same. Have you ever reflected on something and now know/feel/think something different? Yeah, that happened with this last draft post.


Here it is for reference:

Title - Who Has Time For That?

Well, the next question you should ask yourself is, how important is it to you...right?

In my opinion, WRONG. Things can be very important, but, why aren't you doing the things that are important, if they are so important? Well, I don't do them sometimes because I don't feel like explaining myself, I would rather avoid than discuss...but that's me. Why is a phone call on the list of to do's and you aren't doing it? Why are you procrastinating with making an appointment? What are your priorities? Remember, your actions are a reflection of YOUR character, not mine.

Unfortunately, empathy is a skill that has lost value over time. It is sad that some, most actually, forget about putting themselves in others' shoes when times are tough. This is why I choose to teach students empathy, compassion and respect in classrooms when I can. Some students have trauma which results in fight, flight or freeze, but when a child understands how their brain works, it can work miracles! Some students are even using the word "prefrontal cortex" in classrooms. They know if they don't take time to breathe or calm down/regulate, whether sad, mad, anxious, lonely, scared, etc. that the amygdala takes over and it makes you do things that do NOT make sense. But when you take time to breathe your PFC can come into play and help you work through your feelings logically.

So back to time...since we never have enough of it.

Maybe dig deeper. What is MOST important, however, is how you feel about yourself and that you are gentle with yourself. Give gratitude for what you do have and what you do achieve in a day. Are your expectations too high for one day making each day a continual failure? What's on your list?


Huh. What was I going through at the time? I wonder if I needed that in my drafts because I was upset and needed to vent and get it out? Regardless, stress is still here. It isn't going anywhere, but what is amazing is how as I grow, I learn more about how to cope in order to stay healthy and balanced. People who are in my life continually, know this about me. I'm always working on being better and some days are better/easier than others. But overall, I'm moving in the right direction.


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